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Week 10: I, Rigoberta Menchú

 Hello Blogreaders, 

This week we read I, Rigoberta Menchú by Rigoberta Menchú. Although a difficult read due to the heavy topic and graphic nature, I think this was an essential read. Jon had warned us with a forecast warning, but this story was heartbreaking. It especially resonated with me because it is a real story of Rigoberta’s life. From the beginning of the story, we are introduced to the themes of community, storytelling, and the achievement of hard work. The opening paragraph states, “My Name is Rigoberta Menchú. I am 23 years old. This is my testimony. I didn’t learn it from a book and I didn’t learn it alone. I’d like to stress that it’s not only my life, it’s also the testimony of my people… The important thing is that what has happened to me has happened to many other people too: My story is the story of all poor Guatemalans. My personal experience is the reality of a whole people” (1). The opening statement gives us an idea of the themes present, plus the heartfelt nature of the book. Rigoberta explains she is sharing her story, but this story applies to all her community members, as they have the same grief. She wants to bring attention to her community's struggles through the Guatemalan civil war. I liked how they played out the story as a testimony from the start because it helped me get an idea of Rigoberta herself and how this community is very supportive of each other. As we can see from the statement, “I’d like to stress that it’s not only my life, it’s also the testimony of my people”(1).

Rigoberta is very community-driven; she wants to fight for indigenous rights to liberate her people. It was hard to read all the discrimination and exploitation faced by the indigenous people in Guatemala. The violence and oppression inflicted upon indigenous people are brutal. Especially the torture and murder of her family members. Specifically, Petrocinio’s death, where he was burned alive while their family and the village watched, was cruel. Also, her mother's torture and murder were devastating to read. 

However disturbing this read may be. I think it is vital as it can teach a lot about activism, resistance, and women's right. The injustices the indigenous people face in Guatemala need to be shared, and this text exemplifies precisely that. The work Rigoberta put in for her family and community is significant. Her persistence, strength, and courage are all qualities that make this story exemplary. The content was very eye-opening, and I’m ready to talk about what others thought of the content in class. Hopefully, we can discuss the testimonial form the book is written in. 

My question for you guys is: Which family member's death do you think had the most impact on the story and Rigoberta? Personally, her mother's death stood out to me because she was an important female figure, and I really liked her characteristics.


  1. Melika, thank you for pointing out the importance of activism and resistance in this testimonio. The final parts of the book are particularly valuable because they show us that despite the pain of the past (and of the present, it is true) there is capacity for joy (a bit like mentioned in Dr. Beasley-Murray's lecture). More than thinking of a particular person, Menchú insists on the community experience, or that is the impression that remains with me.


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